I couldn't wait, so here's Monday's workout. Consider it an appetizer.
Dynamic effort bench 9x3 @ 40% (+chains) with 1:15 rest between each 3 @ index on smooth
3 @ thumb on smooth
3 @ pinky on power ring
3 rds for time:
12 push press, 115#
12 supine ring rows, +chain
12 ring rips, +chain
100 standing tricep extensions, mini band
Ab work (static toes to bar, GHD sit-ups, russian twists,... whatever)
Starting slow, like baking a cake. We'll add more volume when it becomes appropriate. Focus on set-up and speed of the bench. If you want to use a pair bands, only use a band that allows an aggressive speed off the chest. We will add boards and chains often, so be sure to have a minimum of 2&3 boards and 2 sets of 5/8" chain + 3/8" extension loops. A wide array of bands are assumed as well (micro minis to fatties in pairs).
FYI, I'll also add the words kipping and/butterfly alongside any movements where this distinction is required. For instance, the ring dips are not kipping ring dips today. I fully realize the benefits of kipping and the relationship to power output, but we are laying a foundation of strength in many of these workouts. We will be rewarded in the future for hard work in the present.
Carrot Cake
Oh yeah, post your results to comments.